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What Are the Differences Between Corn-fed and Grass Fed Beef as They Relate to

Information technology used to be that a steak was a steak was a steak. Today, it'southward not that uncomplicated. A quick glance at the butcher's counter will reveal all kinds of cuts you never knew nearly along with fancy breeds like Angus, Wagyu and Kobe. Then, just when yous thought you came to a decision, you lot're faced with grass fed vs corn fed beef. Is there actually a departure between these two types of meat, other than the obvious price difference?

Grass-Fed vs Corn-Fed Beefiness

Grass-Fed Beef

Grass-fed beef is exactly what it sounds like: cattle that have grazed on grassy pastures their entire lives. The beginning thing you'll notice nearly this type of beef is its price tag: at my local grocery store, the grass-fed ribeye steak was only shy of $iv more per pound than the corn-fed ribeye. Why is it so much more? Well, it takes longer for grass-fed cattle to reach their processing weight, and they weigh less without grain or corn to bulk upward their diet. Raising beefiness this way is thought to be more than sustainable, but information technology'southward also more expensive for the rancher.

Are those actress dollars worth it? When information technology comes to nutrition, grass-fed beef is higher in central nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins. It also has twice as many omega-iii fatty acids every bit regular beef. As far equally flavor goes, this leaner beef has a slightly gamey taste. Because information technology has less intramuscular fat, it tends to eat a bit meatier than the corn-fed kind, too. Some people draw the texture as chewy, just it'southward all about how you melt it! Since it has less fatty content, it tends to cook faster than regular beefiness and can easily overcook if you're not careful.

We recommend letting grass-fed beef come up to room temperature earlier cooking information technology to increase the chances of even cooking. Read up on the mutual mistakes nearly everyone makes when cooking steak to cook grass-fed beef like a pro. If yous're more into ground beef, simple ground beef recipes volition brand any repast easy.

Corn-Fed Beef

All cattle are started on grass, but most of the manufacture finishes their beef on corn or grain. This bulks the cattle upwards, increasing the fat to musculus ratio. While this type of diet adds a ton of flavor to your steaks, information technology'due south also sort of like feeding candy and cake to cattle; they'll eat their greens if they have to, but they likewise love filling up on junk nutrient! Since these foods aren't typical feed for cattle, many feedlots end up using preventative antibiotics to keep the herd from getting ill.

Virtually people dear the flavor of corn-fed beef, with its buttery, slightly sugariness flavour and a texture that nearly people depict every bit melt-in-your-mouth tender. It's also more forgiving to melt with its higher fat content. If y'all love the flavour of corn-fed beef but don't love the additives the cattle are given, expect for beef labeled every bit antibody- and hormone-gratuitous.

Whether yous go grass-fed or corn-fed beef, the basic cooking principles apply. Salt it generously earlier cooking it, and always allow your steak residuum at to the lowest degree 15 minutes before slicing it. If you lot end upward with a super thick steak, acquire how to cook it and it will turn out juicy every time.

More than Ways to Cook Steak
